Knowledge - Planning - Greater Choice

Knowledge and Planning, the perfect combination. Together they create the opportunity for
choice, great experience and endless possibilities.

The Core App Features
Comprehensive Checklists
Follow the practical checklists, edit as needed or create your own. 9 key categories and 31 master checklists for you to choose from and no limit to how many you can build. Mark all your favourite lists for easy reference.
Allergy Tables
An alphabetical listing of the different names used to label the 9 main allergens. Also included is a detailed listing of the main foods, and non-food products, in which these allergens can commonly be found.
Adapt Any Recipe
A list of allergen friendly ingredient substitutes for often used and ‘difficult to replace’ Egg, Milk and Wheat. Using ingredients commonly found in your pantry anytime you need to adapt a recipe.
Anaphylaxis Explained
The have-to-know basics including two colour coded visual infographs. ‘Signs & Symptoms’ and ‘What To Do’ in the case of a severe allergic reaction clearly outlined for your reference and convenient for you to forward.
Medical Action Plans
Upload all your medical action plans and easily identify each one with its own name, date and image. All medical plans conveniently logged in the one place and available to email anytime.
Auto Injector Reminders
Log all your adrenaline auto injectors, expiry dates and your preferred notification dates. You will automatically be reminded with a message and a red notification badge as each device needs replacing.
Our story so far

Hello and Welcome
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Our children's first allergic reaction
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Our kitchens turned into labs!
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What works for you and your family?
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What our followers are saying

“Good support and great tool. We each have this app on our phone and use all the time.”

(Alex 5 allergic to peanuts and Isla 2 allergic to hazelnut, eggs)

“We‘ve found it hard at times convincing family and friends about the severity of Mia’s food allergies. I show them the AllergyLogic lists, they now understand allergies better and the precautions we take to keep her safe.”

(Mia 2, allergic to milk, peanut and has severe eczema)

“As the incidence of students with severe food anaphylaxis increases with each school year, my priority is to understand how to keep those students safe and well while in my care.
I love AllergyLogic and highly endorse it to all staff and parents.”


“I felt overwhelmed at the prospect school camp, I was reluctant to even allow my boys to go on camp. Since finding Allergylogic and seeing the success of others I see school camp is possible. A great feeling and empowering for us all.”

(Oliver 9 and Max 11 allergic to egg, soy and tree nuts)

“I think this app has the most comprehensive checklists I have found. Two of our three kids have food anaphylaxis  – Great app use it all the time.”

(Dan 11, Lily 10 allergic to egg and Charlie 7 allergic to egg, dairy, peanut)

“I’ve had food allergies all my life. I now spend more time with my friends without my parents around it’s great to have AllergyLogic. I can check if I’m unsure about allergen names or if I need any of my allergy information because I always have my phone with me.”

(17 years old, allergic to Pistachio, Cashews and FPIES to Shellfish)

“Thank you for the great printable information and for the fantastic checklists!”

(Celeste 14 wheat intolerant and Max 11 allergic to tree nuts and fish)

“As someone who has never had allergies I was reluctant to look after my small niece who has a nut allergy. My sister uses and recommended AllergyLogic. Clear communication is essential with food allergies. I too now recommend anyone with food allergies to get this app I feel confident having all the information I need on hand. Well worth having.”


“This is great – thanks!”

(allergic to peanut, egg, legumes)

“My grandchildren have allergies to peanuts, egg, sesame seeds and milk. I am very grateful to have AllergyLogic checklists on hand when my son’s children visit. I’ve learnt so much since using it. Thank you.”

(Lila 6 and Ava 4 allergic to egg, sesame, peanuts)

“AllergyLogic is helping us to understand how to keep our girls safe in all aspects of daily life. Recommend highly.”

(Ella 3 and Phoebe 18 months allergic to dairy, egg, nut, fish)

“Love this! A great resource when learning to cope with food allergies.”

(allergic to shellfish and nuts)

Some Key Lifestages You Will Find in the App

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Daycare and Babysitters

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Birthday Parties

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Back to School

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Eating Out



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