It’s not always easy to figure out the best way to approach new situations whether you’re the parent of a food allergic child or not. That said, if you are the parent of a food allergic child, as new situations and experiences arise we sometimes need to get creative to find a solution that works.
"You’re incredible, how are you always able to attend all school excursions?" We could have launched into the long and extended version of why and how but typically decided to spare the enquirer and ...
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We have had lots of ‘fun’ over the years adapting recipes, substituting ingredients, testing, adjusting, tasting and re-adjusting until we hit a winning formula that we could all enjoy as a family and share with others as well. Almost all have been fantastically successful. With the exception of a few minor culinary disasters and a failed birthday cake! On that particular occasion a guest commented to never judge a book by its cover as the cake looked fantastic (a football field from memory) b...
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Welcome again to our world of food allergies and to where this all started for our kids - Isa, Mich, Seb and Liv.
Isabelle’s first anaphylactic reaction and subsequent admission to emergency happened at the age of two when she was given a piece of cake containing crushed cashews and pistachio nuts by a well-intentioned relative. Isabelle’s reaction was immediate, her face swelled almost beyond recognition, hives covered her small body and she was having great difficulty breathing. It was a fri...
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For us, as for all parents, our children’s initial diagnosis of life-threatening food allergies felt pretty overwhelming. It was at the time difficult to comprehend some of the challenges that lay ahead. There was very little practical information on hand, limited understanding in the community on how to live well with life threatening food allergies and certainly not a lot to guide us. With the help of medical specialists, many books (often sparse on practical advice) and the internet, we le...
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